40 years of entertainment
Hire to Otago & Southland

Planning a party, hire from us as we
are the entertainment hire experts.

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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the "Mr and Mrs" Sign would interest you.

Make it a day to remember

Our Mr and Mrs LED Neon signs are exactly what you need to add that final touch to your wedding or reception.  Put it behind the bridal table for a beautiful photo finish or on the wall of your venue for all to see - what ever you choose to do, it's sure to look great!

Size:  780 x 450  mmH

Sign maybe displayed with it's own custom built stand or hung on a wall or backdrop.  

Team it with our Mesh Backdrop and you will have a stunning feature.
  For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Customer service

Have a question? Give us a call!

0800 4 JUKE BOX

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Please come and see us in our showroom 

686 Great King St
Showroom hours 9 AM - 4:30- PM Mon to Fri
Pick up of Hires before 4.30pm 

Phone 03 477 6541