40 years of entertainment
Hire to Otago & Southland

Planning a party, hire from us as we
are the entertainment hire experts.

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Know a friend, relative, or co-worker who may be interested in this product? Take this opportunity to let them know.
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The Message.
Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Photo Booth would interest you. This is guaranteed fun for your event!

Instantly printable Colour or Black and White photo strips, unlimited prints.

Box of dress ups supplied or you can theme these for your event. The Photo booth is loaded with fun borders, face replacements and more. 

All images can be posted directly to Facebook/Email/Twitter and saved on flash drive to keep lasting images of your event.

$450 for 2 hours, each additional hour $100 

Free delivery in the greater Dunedin area, delivery fee for other areas.

  For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Customer service

Have a question? Give us a call!

0800 4 JUKE BOX

Or email:



Please come and see us in our showroom 

686 Great King St
Showroom hours 9 AM - 4:30- PM Mon to Fri
Pick up of Hires before 4.30pm 

Phone 03 477 6541